Game Night

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Join us for a fun night of board games with your LMC family. All ages are welcome. Please bring your favorite board games and a snack to share.

Palm/Passion Sunday: Christ Collides with Our Expectations

LMC & Streaming

Our service will begin with the traditional palm processional. Pastor Richard will preach on Luke 19: 29–44. Following the service, children will enjoy an Easter egg hunt activity outside.

Maundy Thursday Service

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

This service in the church Fellowship Hall will commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, and will include both communion and a time of foot washing.

Easter Sunday: Christ Collides with Death

LMC & Streaming

Join us for joyful Easter services as we celebrate our risen Lord! Our schedule will be an 8:30 AM early service, 9:00 AM Easter breakfast, and 10 AM worship service including […]