Harvest Halloween Party

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Come join us for a fun night of games and laughter! This event is geared towards families with kids up through middle school and will include supper. Costumes are recommended […]

Worship Service: Covenant Sunday

We’ll celebrate our annual covenant membership renewal, committing to our shared convictions and covenant to our life together of care, discernment, forgiveness, and accountability. Pastor Richard will preach on Jeremiah […]

First Sunday of Advent

We begin a 6-week Advent worship series. Our theme this first week is “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How Do We Continue On?” Pastor Richard will preach on […]


Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Join us for a potluck of our favorite traditional Christmas foods after the congregational meeting. All are welcome!

Christmas Eve Service & Fellowship

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Join us for a merry and bright Christmas Eve Service, followed by a lovely time of fellowship. We’ll wish each other merry Christmas and feast on delicious holiday snacks. Please bring cookies and/or hors d’oeuvres to share. Plan to come and enjoy this Christmas fellowship time with your LMC family.

MYF Bistro

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Join us for a full Italian meal in a pop-up restaurant, hosted by the MYF. Enjoy a cozy dinner with friends or celebrate Valentine’s Day early with your special someone […]

Worship Service: Jesus Heals

LMC & Streaming

Pastor Richard will preach on Luke 7: 1-17. He writes, “Jesus’ ministry is one of radical inclusion. He offers healing both to a Roman (Gentile) military officer and to a […]

Worship Service: Transfiguration, Communion

LMC & Streaming

Pastor Richard will preach on Luke 9: 28-45. He writes, “When Jesus is miraculously transformed in the presence of some disciples, Peter scrambles to preserve the moment. Jesus, however, is […]

Ash Wednesday Service

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. The imposition of ashes is a physical reminder of our mortality and sin and an assurance of God’s forgiveness and […]

Lent 1: Christ Collides with Our Bias

LMC & Streaming

We kick off our 6-week Lenten series. (For more information on it, click here.) Pastor Barb will preach on Luke 10: 25–42. She writes, “Each week of Lent we will […]

Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale

Interstate Center, Bloomington, IL 1106 Interstate Dr., Bloomington, IL, United States

Plan to join this annual community celebration of generosity to support the relief, development and peace work of the Mennonite Central Committee. Includes a general auction, activities for children, excellent […]