Plugging In at LMC

How to get connected at LMC in a nutshell!

Sunday School Classes (during the school year): We have classes for all ages. Attending a class is a great way to get to know people in a friendly, informal setting and to learn stuff.

Youth Activities: In addition to Sunday School classes together, our Venture Club (6- 8th graders) and MYF (9-12th graders) meet for fun activities and service projects. Contact Pastor Nathan for more information.

Women’s Bible Study, also known as WOW (women of the word): Every Wednesday at 9:30 AM, LMC women gather in person with a Zoom option for a time of Bible study, fellowship, prayer and community. Childcare is provided upon request. Contact Pastor Barb for more information.

Menno Men: Every Thursday morning at 9:30 AM, LMC men gather in person with a Zoom option for a time of fellowship, and community. Contact Pastor Richard for more information.

Contemplative prayer: A group meets every Tuesday evening via Zoom at 7:00 pm for a time of mostly silent prayer. Contact Pastor Barb for more info.

Interfaith men’s and women’s gatherings: LMC has been blessed by a relationship with the Turkish Cultural Center in Wheaton. Both a men’s and a women’s group comprised of LMC Christians and TCC Muslims gather for fellowship and study together. Contact Pastors Richard or Barb for details.

Small Groups: There’s no better way to build relationships here at LMC than by joining a small group! Groups meet regularly for sharing, prayer, study and service. Contact Pastor Barb for details.

Ten Thousand Villages Store: Consider volunteering at our Ten Thousand Villages store in Glen Ellyn. This ministry supports third-world artisans by selling their goods at fair prices. Contact the church office for more information. We need shoppers as well! Visit the store for unique gift items and delicious coffee, teas & chocolate.

Interested in other ways of getting involved? Talk to one of our Lay Ministers, volunteers who oversee areas of ministry:

  • Worship: Joe Hayward
  • Christian Formation: Elise Ewert
  • Mission: Jamie and Rebecca Huff
  • Community Life: Jill Yordy Stasch
  • Administration: Jeremy Kropf

Questions? Call the church office: 630-627-5310.

The pastors are also always happy to answer questions, help you get connected, or just get together and chat.

  • Pastor Barbara Krehbiel Gehring – Co-lead pastor
  • Pastor Richard Gehring – Co-lead pastor
  • Pastor Nathan Perrin – Pastor of Christian Formation