Introduction to Commissions Fair

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

We’ll hold this during Sunday school. The chairpersons of Community Life, Mission, Worship, Education, and Church Administration will each have a location set up so you can stop by and learn more about how to engage with these lively and meaningful communities within our congregation!

Karaoke Night

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Plan to join us to sing to your favorite songs (1000s to choose from), cheer on your friends, and enjoy some light snacks. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall. There is a suggested donation of $5 per person or $10 per family to help offset the cost of the karaoke rental equipment. Hope to see […]

Worship Service: Golden Calf

LMC & Streaming

Pastor Richard will preach on Exodus 32: 1-14. He writes, “As we continue our journey through scripture, we find ourselves with the Israelites in the wilderness. With Moses away, Aaron creates a golden calf, seemingly as a tangible reminder to the people of God’s presence. This symbol, however, is mistaken as an object of worship […]

Worship Service: God Answers Hannah

LMC & Streaming

Pastor Barb will preach on 1 Samuel 1: 9 through 2: 10. She writes, “The text today follows the story of Hannah. It moves from lament to joy resulting in her psalm in chapter 2. This psalm or song has much in common with the song/psalm Mary will sing. Both reflect the ability of these […]

Church Workday

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Join us as we work shoulder to shoulder inside and outside our building to prep it for the winter, make repairs, and beatify. All ages are welcome! We’ll work from 8:00 AM – noonish and then gather for a delicious lunch.

Pizza with the Pastors

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

We invite newer attendees of LMC to join the pastors for lunch after the worship service. It’s a great chance to get to know Pastors Barb, Richard, and Nathan better, while they get to know you better. If you would like to attend, please contact the church office.

Harvest Halloween Party

Lombard Mennonite Church 528 E Madison, Lombard, IL

Come join us for a fun night of games and laughter! This event is geared towards families with kids up through middle school and will include supper. Costumes are recommended 🙂

Worship Service: Solomon Dedicates the Temple

LMC & Streaming

Pastor Barb will preach on 1 Kings 8: 27-30, 35-43. She writes, “We find parts of Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple he built in today’s text. Now the people of God have a place of beauty to come and worship God together. His prayer reveals his hopes for his people, for the […]

Worship Service: All Saints Sunday

LMC & Streaming

We’ll honor those who have gone before us in the family of faith. In lieu of a sermon, we’ll enjoy a hymn sing together. Our scripture is Psalm 146.

Worship Service and Communion

LMC & Streaming

We are excited to welcome back guest speaker Gerardo Corpeño, our missionary in Guatemala. He will share some thoughts about the meaning of “home,” particularly what it means to come […]