Pastor Barb will preach on Genesis 15: 1-6.
We kick off fall Christian Formation activities for all ages. Click here for more info.
Pastor Nathan writes, “Joseph’s story is a glimpse into the radical mercy of God, and how the universe’s ultimate arc is bent towards mercy, forgiveness, and hope. Joseph’s messy story […]
Adrien Keables Hayward will preach on Exodus 12: 1-13 and 13: 1-8.
We’ll hold this during Sunday school. The chairpersons of Community Life, Mission, Worship, Education, and Church Administration will each have a location set up so you can stop by and […]
Plan to join us to sing to your favorite songs (1000s to choose from), cheer on your friends, and enjoy some light snacks. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall. There […]
Pastor Richard will preach on Exodus 32: 1-14. He writes, “As we continue our journey through scripture, we find ourselves with the Israelites in the wilderness. With Moses away, Aaron […]
Pastor Barb will preach on 1 Samuel 1: 9 through 2: 10. She writes, “The text today follows the story of Hannah. It moves from lament to joy resulting in […]