Our Community
We worship and learn together on Sundays, but it doesn’t stop there. Through education, outreach, small group gatherings, social activities and more, community at LMC is a seven-days-a-week affair.
Our Pastoral Care Team helps facilitate mutual care and support of one another. Our Small Group program is one of the best ways for individuals to get connected at LMC through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Our numerous activities—such as potluck meals and our annual church retreat—give us space and time to strengthen relationships.
Contact us to learn more!
Christian Formation
Sundays: We use a variety of interactive methods to stimulate reflection on Anabaptist values and basic Christian beliefs. Young or old, guest or regular attendee, we warmly invite you to participate in one of our Sunday school classes.
Children: At the conclusion of the worship service, kids meet for Gathering Time (a large group opening meeting), in the downstairs library. Sunday school teachers escort the children to their classrooms from there.
Youth: Our MYF (high school class) meets in the Fireplace Room. The Venture Club (middle school group) meets in room 101.
Adults: Classes start 15 minutes after the conclusion of the worship service.
- Becoming a Fully Welcoming Church (Sanctuary)
- Bible in a Year (Conference Room)
To read our Safeguards for Children, Youth, and Volunteers, click here.
Youth Ministry
We love our youth at LMC. Through activities, service projects, winter retreats, and weekly Sunday school classes, our youth learn and explore what it means to be a follower of Christ, build relationships, and work out how peacemaking and other Anabaptist values apply to their daily lives. And they have a lot of fun in the process!
Our middle school group is called the Venture Club. Our high school group is called the MYF (it stands for Mennonite Youth Fellowship, but we’re never that formal). We also have a Mentor/Mentee program, where students turning 12 can choose adult mentors from the congregation.
Midweek Activities
Tuesday: Contemplative Prayer
A group engages in contemplative prayer together on Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-7:30 PM. A leader opens with a brief prayer or scripture. Then everyone sits together (virtually) in silence showing up to be present to God. After about 20 minutes of silence, the group closes with the Lord’s Prayer. All are welcome; contact the church office for the Zoom link.
Wednesday: Women of the Word
Our Women of the Word Bible study (WOW), meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 AM. Join us for a time of fellowship and friendship, study and growth, and sharing and prayer. WOW is an intergenerational group and all women are welcome to attend. We meet in the LMC conference room, with a Zoom option as well. Childcare is provided.
Thursday: Menno Men
Men of all ages meet on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:00 AM. All are welcome to join us for an informal time of fellowship and friendship, usually accompanied by coffee and cookies! We meet in the LMC conference room. Contact the church office if you would like to participate via Zoom.
Giving Back
We financially support a number of local organizations that provide food, job training, housing assistance, and service programs to the less fortunate. Our Mission Matching Grant program encourages clusters of individuals in the congregation to connect with specific ministries in Christ’s name. We also support the following: